

I really shouldn't be showing this to anybody. But I'm feeling generous so I'm going to let it leak. This is a design for Village Idiot Productions. A brand composed by some of the sickest artists I know. Blake Jensen, Adrian Mays, and Myself are the designers. We also have some of the best photographers who love to follow us around and capture the true idiots inside us. For we are the Village Idiots.

Monkey Brainzzz

This is one of my favorite works I have done recently. I have spent a lot of time finessing this work to make it as clean as I can. I printed this out at a pasted it to a canvas, and it is hanging up in the lobby at AiSanDiego. You might recognize this design from my Tiki Dingbats project I did. I used the monkey from it, but this time i cleaned up the lines and gave him an afro pik in his brainz. Enjoy!


No Fresh Air

This design is for one of my good friends who is a damn good rapper. Him and I are seem to have the same goals so were going to try and help each other out. I send him designs, he reps my DELLIPROOF name, and hopefully we can get real famous doin' the things we do.