Custom Graffiti Writing
This was me a stylus pen, and a bumpin' beat. I love doing stuff like this, even though it may seem pretty pointless to a lot of people. I enjoy it, it makes me feel like I am flowing along to a song. In this case I was listening to Smoov-E. One of his lines says "chase a dirty martini with a light Budweiser." The way he delivers it with the beat is unexceptionably incredible to me. So I listened to it on repeat and flowed with the beat.
Skate or Fry!!
Just havin a little fun. Did this in about 25 minutes from the ground up. It's just how I think alright?!
clever indian design
I have been drawing this Indian character since high school. I had an idea to write DelliProof on each of the feathers, and I think it came out pretty good. This is an original DelliProof Indian.
DelliProoF tank Advertisment
This is one of my favorite things somebody has helped me out with. My team had a batch of tees, tanks, and stickers printed out. We gave them out, to fans, and to people who have been wanting some merch. I appreciate it to the max when people show and or give me pictures of themselves wearing DelliProoF products. I love to take the image and manipulate it into something that can turn heads. I have a very talented group of people that show extreme support. Thank you!! you can check out this models tumbler at www.st0neymelissa.tumblr.com
Business cards with style!

Here are some business cards I've designed. I can give you any look you are looking for. I can make you a card that matches your personality like the suit you got on your wish list. I love sports, but I am an artist, obviously, so I intertwined the two looks to get something fresh and professional. Keith Black deserves a black card with clean lettering, and simplistic organization. Contact me and I would love to discuss rates for a card of your own.
I did this logo for a young lady that has a great sense of perspective when it comes to photography. I put a dove silhouette in eye where the people should be, her name is Nicole Dovey. I wish her the best of luck and hope she can make a career out of what she loves. Check out her website www.adoveseye.com
it's not radio!
Here is a project I've been commissioned to work on. It's a simple logo for a www.itsnotradio.com . He shares a lot of good music, that is pleasurable listening to. He asked for a simple logo, and have been working with my agent to have one produced for him. Here are a few variations.
Spring Quarter wk11 Demo Reel
Untitled from Dominik Ferrendelli on Vimeo.
My latest and greatest demo reel from my spring 2011 quarter at the Art Institute of San Diego. Enjoy!
Static work PDF binder
Here is a PDF binder of some of my best work, this was done for my Spring 2011 quarter. It will only progress from this stage. Feel free to critique! enjoy!
Here is a PDF binder of some of my best work, this was done for my Spring 2011 quarter. It will only progress from this stage. Feel free to critique! enjoy!
WIP on demo reel
This is my updated version of my demo reel, I added a few things, touched a lot of it up, and took some thing out I wasn't so happy with. I tried to add a little bit more variety. A newer updated demo reel will be coming in the next couple of weeks. Enjoy, feel free to criticize it.
Album Art Spot
Recent album art from Dominik Ferrendelli on Vimeo.
These are the recent albums I have designed for rappers based out of Woodland, Ca. They all spend a lot of time making their music, and are all very talented. I used AfterEffects to compose the images, I got the video in the background from my photographer Kevin McGuinn. You can check out Kevin Aoki's music at www.millimouth.bandcamp.com as well as www.nofreshair.com you can hear Spit Sic's music on www.spitsic.bandcamp.com and you can hear Julian Write's music on his website www.julianwrite.com and his album can be purchased on itunes as well. I wish these artists luck and I am glad to be a member of their team. I plan to come back to this to add small clips of their music to match up with their album, but until then, check the links and Enjoy!
Skateboard Vid Update.
Updated Skate Display from Dominik Ferrendelli on Vimeo.
Here is the video I mentioned in the previous post. Hopefully this will be in my updated demo reel. I'm also hoping this will appeal to the companies I would like to get a job at when I finish school this September. The first board is a combination of Graffiti, mixed with some interesting shapes and colors, the second board is my DF logo but they are all different colors, not one is the same as another, and the third board is a design I created. Willie Mays is the athlete in the picture, and the type is called Pornstar Academy.
3 Skate Designs
Here is another page out of my digital PDF portfolio. Three boards I would like to ride. I would love to get a few of these printed to see what they look like in reality. I enjoyed doing this, and will be working on making them better. I will post a video that displays them in a professional fashion.
I did this abstract painting of a Blue Footed Bubi for a bar in North Park called Blue Foot. They used it for a show they had which consisted of other Blue Footed Bubis. I did this with spray paint, paint pens, ink pens, water based paint, and white out. I used knives, fingers and other on the spot techniques to create the final piece. It has been heavily sprayed with a clear coat so it will shine for many years to come.
It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's DelliProof!
Here's a design I've been working on for a while. This came directly out of my PDF portfolio. I got this idea one night, and had to make it come to life. I know I'm not Superman, but I am DelliProof, and that is what the design suggests. I have each design in a crystal clear form, without the heading on the top.
Nice Grab!
Got to love baseball, you at least gotta appreciate this catch by Willie Mays back in the day. Some crazy times, would have been awesome to go see a baseball game from the past. "delli proof is living proof anything is possible never give up"
Spit Sic _ Halfway Home
This is more freelance work for more Woodland rappers. These guys are legit, and I am glad to represent them with my graphics. This record is dropping April 29th, 2011. I am thankful that I can represent my art through so many different artists. Baby steps, until DelliProof ranks highest on the list of new age graphic designers.
Write Your Wrongs EP
I did the graphics for this album. This guy is talented, and he speaks his word. He's another Woodland cat, he's got a good head on his shoulders, he works his ass off, and has nothing but good things coming for him. Lucky for me, I will be working with him for a while as well. Check out his website to listen and learn more about him. www.julianwrite.com
DelliprooF logo
I wanted to create a strong, simple, and clean logo that had style to it. If there was a baseball team who was lookin' for a logo with a D and an F would have to pay out their tailpipes to get this off me. This could easily be a team logo for a professional squad. I really like the simplicity but intricacy the type has to offer. I made a few adjustments to add my flare to it. I am going to see what I can do to get this embroidered on hats. Enjoy!
DelliProof Cougar '68
I decided to illustrate my dream ride. I gave it a comic book/unique DelliProof style to it. This is a pic of a 1968 Mercury Cougar. One of the first american muscle cars that incorporated luxury into their rides. You'd be lucky to catch a XR7 canvas top like this on the road. This is why I do what I do. I want a wicked sick ride like this to sport my brand. "And I vow... to make the dogs on my Cougnut bark and growl." - Mac Dre.
Sticker Design
Did this for my friend who's looking for a sticker design. This was inspired of the song BEATchurass off the Millimouth album. The lyrics that inspired this are - "damn, I think I need a new jacket with both arms crossed and a buckle on the back_plus a new room where the walls be padded, askin all the girls if they like my new matresses." haha. enjoy the madness.
This is an illustration I did of my agent, he happens to be one of my best friends. He is all business and knows what he wants and knows how to get it. I'm glad to say he is a part of the team. He can even talk on the phone for me and people have no idea. cheers homie!
Winter 2011 Demo Reel
winter 2011 demo reel from Dominik Ferrendelli on Vimeo.
Okay, here is my demo reel, and just to let you know, this will always be getting better. This is the first demo reel I have put together, and I will only keep adding to it and making it stronger. It's just like hitting the weights, and one day my demo reel will be shredded beef! Check it out, I'd like to thank all the people out there who helped me out. You know who you are. So look forward to seeing more stuff from me, and it will keep getting better and better until I am in the sky.
Tyler's Surf Lessons
I did this for a good friend I know who is looking for a fresh new way to make a dollar. He is really money motivated and as you can tell from this flier I designed, he is going to start teaching surfing. He told me he'd teach me how to surf, and I wish him the best of luck with his business. I always enjoy doing work for my close friends. So go learn to surf with the guy, he'll have you ridin' monsters in no time.
DelliProof Skateboard design.
DelliProof Sk8 design from Dominik Ferrendelli on Vimeo.
This is a little short media video I composed with after effects showing off a skateboard design in a professional fashion. I sketched out the delliproof lettering, inked it with illustrator, and freestyled some tree branches and blossom for the background. I got the model for the truck online, I added texture and lighting to it, as well as a simple 360 degree animation. I got this footage from a friend who filed it while riding his skateboard through San Diego. Enjoy the quick six seconds.
visual EFX flag explodes
visual EFX flag explodes from Dominik Ferrendelli on Vimeo.
Did this using Maya, it was an assignment we had to do for my visual effects class. I made the flag design in Illustrator, and it represents Village Idiot Productions. To give it a fresh look, I made the flag clear. I found a nice pic of San Diego to use as a backdrop.
Fire Trick
Lately I took it upon myself to make something for myself. I had my photographer Kevin McGuinn shoot me in a suit. We went out under the San Diego freeways, where there was a rustic and industrial feel to it. So that's why I'm in a suit in the middle of no where. As for the fire text, I downloaded a tattoo font, then I stumbled upon a new way of how to make a type have a sick fire effect. When I learned how to do it for text, I can apply it to anything. So I made me on fire. This is just another thing I am capable of doing with Photoshop. Enjoy!
Band Logo
I worked on this for a client who is in a band. He was looking for a logo, and he explained to me what he wanted. I think they are a cover band that plays mostly in Woodland, Ca. I put my DelliprooF watermark on it. Using a watermark will be something I do every time I show a client work. From what I learned it's a great idea. I have also learned to never make the same mistake twice!!
Laser Man
GreenScreenEFX from Dominik Ferrendelli on Vimeo.
This is basically a green screen test done for my 3d visual effects class. The effects were done in Maya, and it was composed in AfterEffects. This is something I would like to get a lot better at. You become a powerful artist when you can successfully add effects to make your video reach higher places. I added video thanks to Kevin McQuinn for the background. I gave it a graphical approach rather than focusing on reality.
Millimouth_Album artwork
This is the front cover of artist: kevinaoki's album. He is dropping it 2/11/11. This took me a long time to come up with the final version. We worked on a team on this one, and ever since we spoke about the first word of the Millimouth design, it has only gotten better and more evolved. I love doing work like this. Makes me glad that I do the stuff I do, makes me feel like there is reason to it all. The picture below is the back part of the album. We picked out a few fonts, and it was basically a concept that helped strengthen the front cover. Kept it looking similar by adding the same designs, just in a different fashion. I hope to see this art all over the place, and I hope that a lot of different people get the pleasure of seeing this art, and also get to hear how sick this music is!! Go to www.millimouth.bancamp.com to listen and or purchase the album.
3d Visual EFX test
VisualEFX from Dominik Ferrendelli on Vimeo.
This was a class project for 3d visual effects. I messed around with the dynamics, and fluid particles, added glow intensity to the animations, and created lightning. I added lights and a camera movement to make it look better. I would call this some sort of vaporizer, I hope to get better at making visual effects throughout this class.
I did this my freshman year of college. When I attended San Francisco State, I had a class that consisted of drawing for 9 hours of the day. I enjoyed it, and I found this recently so i decided I'd add it to my blog. Enjoy.
Check me out on Facebook
If you don't have a Facebook, get one, and then like my page. It is a quick and easy way to access my designs, contact me for graphic work, or post work that I have done that you guys have out there. I know a lot of you have designs I have done that I don't know are out there. See ya on Facebook.
I just designed this, it was a picture by Kevin McGuinn. I did the editing and design work, simple filter on photoshop, a cool type. Reminds me of the tattoo I have. More to come from the idiots at ViP.
Norman the Great
Untitled from Dominik Ferrendelli on Vimeo.
This is an attempt I made at a 2d animation pencil test. I did this a while back, I think it was my fourth quarter at the art school. This is a switch up from what I normally show you on this blog. I am showing it because I want to show people out there that I can do so many different things with art. This is a 2D piece, but I am much more than two dimensional. Sit back and enjoy the quick 14 seconds of animation.
VIP SD colors
I designed this shirt for the first group of shirts we as a team printed. While stumbling through the hundreds of pictures that were took during the shoot, this one caught my eye. The typography on this shirt is the same type the Chargers use for the throwback logo. More eye candy to come from your the idiots at Village Idiot Productions.
Village Idiot
The other day we had a photo shoot for our first line of VIP shirts. Kevin McGuinn, our main photographer, took so many great pictures. Anyway Blake, Ace, and I, along with two female models went into the pool with our clothes on, and had a blast showing off our wet T's like idiots. I took this pic into Photoshop and had some fun with it, I especially like how the water turned out. We will be doing much more with the pictures we took to further expand the Village Idiot Productions. Keep it classy!
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